Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bloodlust Filled Eyes

Today I saw the nastiest, most gruesome, digusting traffic accident ever. Despite the sheer horror of the scene my bloodlust filled eyes could not be torn away. I witnessed every moment while being repulsed yet completely drawn in. My nausea was only drowned out by my anxiousness to see what happened next. Yes children, the next season of American Idol has begun....

I can't stand the show yet Shannon watches it so I sit hear and am drawn into it's awfulness. I find myself laughing at the poor people that really think they can sing, and amazed by those people that have fantastic voices.

Every season I am more convinced that myself and millions of other people are going to hell (for laughing at the terrible people and contributing to a show that is the king of reality TV).

Jesus please forgive me.

Update: The "if she was Columbo I'd Peter Faulk her" made the entire two hours worth watching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kevin....The show should be renamed American Idiot. And yes mom and I were drawn in as well. I have a feeling we may not be as devoted this year....skip some of the earlier shows (and not have to laugh at the handicapped, mentally that is)and wait for the round of 24 when the entertainment really starts.
