Monday, January 14, 2008

Another Weekend Has Passed

Well, its Monday night. Another weekend had passed, and it passed much to quickly. Friday night was poker night - had 13 people over, and 11 players... tournament lasted a good long while... I took third thanks to some fantastic (lucky) double ups (thanks Keith).

Saturday, my parents and Charlie came over to celebrate Shannon and my 49 month anniversary. Shannon wasn't feeling great so we ended up bringing in Chinese food and just hanging out - good times.

On Sunday we went to church, then grocery shopping, and then got the house clean to prepare for the evening. A gathering of 5 people soon grew to around a dozen... it was a blast. We got a giant (and I mean GIANT) pizza from New York Pizza in Dublin, made some drinks and hung out with the Fosters, the Bowens, Charles, Sarah & Alyssa.

This morning I woke up and wasn't feeling good - I knew a cold was going around, and with everything going on this weekend, my defenses must have weakened. No good.

In other news, I have gotten just about enough $$$ for my next tattoo.... I'm going for a dagger that will go on my inner arm and run from about my armpit down to my elbow. There will be a banner swirling around the dagger with the line "True love is to die for" from the Strongarm song Advent of a Miracle. I will probably get some blue stars in the background that will tie in the dagger and the angel & heart.

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