Tuesday, January 22, 2008

And another one's gone....

Well Heath Ledger is the latest celebrity to die, presumably to a drug overdose... Its weird, sad and all a little surreal... at least (the speculation is that) he'll go out on a career highnote... Rest in Peace.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Save Your Applause for the End

Shannon found this old video when googling my name... turns out its one of Dan Bowen's from quite a few years ago...

You can see the greatness pouring out of me... I present Snow Monkey.

(by the way the word applause reminds me of apple sauce)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bloodlust Filled Eyes

Today I saw the nastiest, most gruesome, digusting traffic accident ever. Despite the sheer horror of the scene my bloodlust filled eyes could not be torn away. I witnessed every moment while being repulsed yet completely drawn in. My nausea was only drowned out by my anxiousness to see what happened next. Yes children, the next season of American Idol has begun....

I can't stand the show yet Shannon watches it so I sit hear and am drawn into it's awfulness. I find myself laughing at the poor people that really think they can sing, and amazed by those people that have fantastic voices.

Every season I am more convinced that myself and millions of other people are going to hell (for laughing at the terrible people and contributing to a show that is the king of reality TV).

Jesus please forgive me.

Update: The "if she was Columbo I'd Peter Faulk her" made the entire two hours worth watching.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Another Weekend Has Passed

Well, its Monday night. Another weekend had passed, and it passed much to quickly. Friday night was poker night - had 13 people over, and 11 players... tournament lasted a good long while... I took third thanks to some fantastic (lucky) double ups (thanks Keith).

Saturday, my parents and Charlie came over to celebrate Shannon and my 49 month anniversary. Shannon wasn't feeling great so we ended up bringing in Chinese food and just hanging out - good times.

On Sunday we went to church, then grocery shopping, and then got the house clean to prepare for the evening. A gathering of 5 people soon grew to around a dozen... it was a blast. We got a giant (and I mean GIANT) pizza from New York Pizza in Dublin, made some drinks and hung out with the Fosters, the Bowens, Charles, Sarah & Alyssa.

This morning I woke up and wasn't feeling good - I knew a cold was going around, and with everything going on this weekend, my defenses must have weakened. No good.

In other news, I have gotten just about enough $$$ for my next tattoo.... I'm going for a dagger that will go on my inner arm and run from about my armpit down to my elbow. There will be a banner swirling around the dagger with the line "True love is to die for" from the Strongarm song Advent of a Miracle. I will probably get some blue stars in the background that will tie in the dagger and the angel & heart.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Chuck Norris doesn't endorse, he tells America how it's gonna be

Nothing better than eating a hot dog sandwich, drinking an entire bottle of wine and seeing Chuck Norris and his perfect teeth on TV. Huckabee won Iowa for the Republicans.... Obama took it for the Dems, with Hillary in a surprising 3rd.... crazy...

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Few Top Fives to Reminisce and to Kick Off the New Year

A few top 5 lists (ranking is in no particular order)

Top 5 Good 2007 Things:

1. I got promoted at work
2. We moved to a bigger apartment.
3. WhiskeyFest 2007 w/ Josh
4. 4th Anniversary with Shannon at Absinthe
5. The Halloween Party

Top 5 Bad 2007 Things

1. Work is nuts
2. School
3. Tens of thousands of people dying in Iraq
4. Angels & Airwaves at Not So Silent Night
5. Baseball & Steroids

Top 5 things to look forward to in 2008

1. Electing a new president - We've given Bush 2 chances to get it right and he just continues to sink lower and lower... Huckabee/McCain vs. Clinton/Obama - its throwdown time!
2. Shannon getting promoted.
3. Me getting promoted
4. Finishing school (FINALLY!)
5. The 2008 Buffalo Trace Antique Collection Whiskeys

Top 5 Movies of 2007:

1. Once - If you haven't seen it yet, see it and buy the soundtrack.
2. Zodiac - Thriller of the year.
3. Knocked Up - I've been a fan of Aptow since Freaks & Geeks, and his stuff is only getting better.
4. Juno - With Michael Cera being as awkward as ever and phrases like "pork swords" I thought this movie was fantastic.
5. One I haven't seen yet (there are a ton I haven't seen....)

Top Five Funny Movies of 2007:

1. Knocked Up - See Above.
2. Superbad - Another Aptow Project - "McLovin" was great and all but Jonah Hill stole this one for me.
3. Hot Rod - I heard this movie was terrible, whoever said that should be shot. I was dying from laughter through-out this movie. Cool Beans.
4. Hot Fuzz - From the same guys as Shawn of the Dead. So Good.
5. Hairspray - Nothing funnier than big ol' chubby girls jumping around smacking their ass. Plus you just can't beat John Travolta (in drag) and Christopher Walken singing love songs to each other.

Top 5 Disappointing Movies of 2007

1. No Country For Old Men: This seems to be on everyone's top 10 movie lists... I don't get it. I mean it was an ok movie. But from the Coen Brothers, COME ON! That wasn't a Coen Brothers movie and that is what disappointed me.
2. Bourne Ultimatum: Been there, done that. Matt Damon is a bad ass though....
3. Simpsons Movie: Don't get me wrong, upon first viewing of this movie it was fantastic. But subsequent viewings were only good for the highlights (spider-pig, and ummm... thats about it). Last time I watched it I fell asleep fairly quickly...
4. Transformers: Yeah the transformers were cool... but other than that - meh.
5. Tie - Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbeans 3 - I didn't see either of these movies but I have not talked to a single person that has liked them. 3rd time is not a charm.

Top 5 Movies of 2007 I Still Need to See:

1. Walk Hard - Aptow again... gotta be good
2. There Will Be Blood - PTA & Daniel Day-Lewis. Can't beat that.
3. The Kingdom
4. Michael Clayton
5. American Gangster